Motorcycle Repair: adjusting push rods on 1980 flt, rocker boxes, push rods

QUESTION: I had to replace a gasket on my rocker box but in order to remove my rocker boxes I had to remove the cylinder head, which in turn I had to remove the push rods. I have a manual for my bike and followed the manuals instructions on how to adjust the push rods but ended up bending the two inside push rods. It said to adjust the front cylinder first bringing it to TDC. Compress push rod completely and then back off 1 1/2 turns. Then proceed to the next one and do the same. After adjusting the front two push rods proceed to the rear one and bring that one to the high point of the cylinder. After adjusting both of them I noticed the front cylinder push rod in the rear position was bent. Anyhow, I ended up tearing everything back down to see if the valves or cylinders were damaged. Lucky, no damage was found. I don't want to foul up again. So any help would greatly be appreciated. Was I suppose to adjust the front intake first, then rear intake, then back to front exhaust, then rear exhaust? I have a 1980 FLT with 10 over cylinders. Everything else is about stock except for a S&S Super E carb.

ANSWER: One question, do you have solid lifers or hydrolic?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The answer to your questions is hydrolic. Thanks

What you need to do is remove the tappet and bleed the oil out of them. remove them and on the bottom you will see a hole. There is a ball check valve in there. Take a piece of stiff wire and push the ball and pump the tappet at the spring end, until the oi is out. Now install them with the pushrods. Starting with the front exhaust, rotate the motor until the tappet is at its lowest position. Now adjust the pushrod until its just tot he point you cant turn it with yoru fingers and then back out, or shorter, about a turn and a half. Then go to the next one and do the same thing, until you get each one done.
Good luck and happy riding