Motorcycle Repair: valve clearances Honda cb100n, honda cb100n, valve clearances
QuestionCould you let me know what the valve clearances on a British registered 1984
Honda cb100n-a should be? Also any other tech spec such as the pilot mixture
screw setting & contact breaker points gap? Many thanks, A. B.
AnswerArachno, I always used 1/4 turn on the adjuster screw. Tighten the screw until it just contacts the top of the valve and then back it off 1/4 turn and hold it while you tighten the lock nut. If you feel uncomfortable with that method use .005 in on both intake and exhaust. All point gaps are .014 in. The idle mixture varys from bike to bike but I'd start with 2 1/2 turns out and then adjust to the highest idle speed.