Motorcycle Repair: Shifting problems on 05 VTX1800F, honda vtx 1800f, cluch

I recently purchased a 2005 Honda VTX 1800F with 4,000 miles.  I really like the bike except that it too often gets stuck in NEUTRAL at stoplights.  It doesn't seem to want to shift down into 1st or up into 2nd without fist having to rock the bike back and forth in order to engage the clutch.  Also, when shifting from 1st to 2nd, it can get stuck in NEUTRAL again and I'm having to double shift to get to 2nd.  I've seen a few complaints on line about the VTX gear shifting but no real common answers.  Can you help?  Thanks, JE

hello joe ,

i ve seen this before try bleeding your clutch to get better pressure to the cluch for you to be able to shift . to do this you need to locate the cluch slave cylinder nera the side of the bike pump the clutch in and out about 5 times then open the bleeder screw on the clutch salve cylinder but remember not to let ooff the clutch untill you see fluid come out of the bleeder screw then after you tighten it back up you can release it  then do this step one more time this should solve the problem if it doesnt let me know i ll give you more avenues to try ok. god  blesss.
P.S please leave feedback for me ok.

Sincerely, mitch