Motorcycle Repair: 95 roadking whine, clutch basket, roadking
QuestionQUESTION: have a 95 hd roadking.i get a whine from primary side of bike on decel from 40 and above.checked adjustment of belt and chain and within specs.oil levels whine on acceleration. whine goes away if i pull clutch lever in
ANSWER: Take the bike for a ride and get it up past where the whine is and shut the bike off and coast in netural. Do you still hear it?
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QUESTION: yes still hear it.pull the clutch lever and it goes away,let it out and its back. if you down from 5 to 4th its considerable louder,because thr transmission is rotaying faster
AnswerI would start by changing the fluids in the primary and trans and see if that doenst help. If you still have the noise then I would check the clutch basket nut for tightness. If that is not the problem then you will have to inspect the trans for a bearing going out
Good luck and happy riding