Motorcycle Repair: 1977 CB 750A HondaMatic, change engine oil, synthetic blend

Hello Rich,
I have a HondaMatic that was running fine,until today when I went to ride and it would not shift into gear.  Lever is not frozen, it just will not move out of neutral. Green neutral light shows on Speedometer.  Any clues as to how to trouble shoot?  My son did change engine oil over to synthetic blend! Could that have created any issues?  Oil level is ok.
Thanks for your time and advice.

John, I've  had synthetic oil cause my clutch to slip but not prevent the transmission from shifting.  That model has a pretty complicated shifter mechanism.  There are a number of linkages, and ratchet mechanism.  I'm afraid you will have to break into that cover to find out. I can't think of anything simple that would cause it.
