Motorcycle Repair: 79 xl250s electrical, volt system, turn signals
QuestionI have a 1979 xl250s that I have been working on. I'm pretty sure the
electrical is hooked up correctly. When the turn signals are turned on the tail
light alternately blinks with the turn signal. when I apply the brake the turn
signals stop completely. I'm thinking this is not normal, but I don't know for
sure. Can you give me some suggestions of things to check? It is a 6 volt
system, and the battery is pretty old. Is it the battery that operates the lights
when it is on or is there something else?
AnswerAll the lights and electrical system run off the battery. The alternator just keeps the battery charged. First you have to check the wiring. Light blue to light blue, orange to orange etc. Not to be too simple but you have to start there. Check the connections in the headlight and under the seat. The turn signals color codes are orange and light blue. The tail light wire is brown with a white stripe and I think blue with a red stripe is the brake light. Not quite sure on that one but the tail light is definately brown with a white stripe. The green wire is the ground. Well I think you will find that the tail lights and turn signals are not grounded properly. If you take length of wire and ground the turn signal bodies, they should start working properly.