Motorcycle Repair: 2004 GSXR600 losing chains, 2004 gsxr 600, rear sprockets


I am helping a buddy with his 2004 GSXR 600 and it has popped 4 chains off. Now i know this was an auction bike and it has been assembled for pieces but i had been on the road for months and ridden hard, I admit.

I guess my question is, do you know of any issues that might be somewhat common related to this, that might point me in a direction. I am going to check the shaft runout with an indicator. It took out the water pump AGAIN, And before he wastes another chain, figured I would ask for some help please


Scott, my experience is with older Hondas but if I had a customer with this problem, I'd be checking the alignment of the front and rear sprockets.  Could be a bent frame, bent swing arm, or simply the wrong spacers in the rear wheel axle not centering the wheel correctly.  Take a straight edge and hold it on the rear sprocket.  Sight down the edge to the front sprocket.  It should line up with the front sprocket. Any out of alignment in position or angle can cause this problem.  
