QuestionI got this bike used this spring and it already has had problems starting,
twice. the motor turns over and the battery is charged. it doesnt sound like
it is trying to start though. What kind of steps can i take to see if the starter
is burned out, or maybe some other simple problems. thank you, im not
terribly experienced with automechanics but ill do my best to summarize the
bike's troubles.
Answerhello rodger,
Lwets see first you need to try cranking the engine with a plug wire off ,get a test light and put the end of it in the plug wires opening where you plug yur plug into if lights up then yur getting fire.If it doesnt light up you have a bad wire or a bad coil do this to each plug wire , also check the switch when you turn it on take yur testlight and go to the coil with ith the test ligh to see if yur getting ignition to thecoil.I hope shis helps you o.k
p.s leave feedback for me if you need further help im here ok