Motorcycle Repair: rebuild 1992 honda shadow vlx vt600c, shadow. VT600c, mechanic

bike owuldn't shift so found a local mechanic who said he knew what he was doing... after 7 weeks and no fixed bike( clutch and gear and counter gear replaced in tranny), I finally demanded my bike back as he was stalling on returning it.  He said it was fixed and running.  He lied, and returned it to me in peices.  Had a local shop  tear it down to get estimate on cost and what was wrong, and due to the fact that the guy reused old gaskets and put bathroom caulking on them, along with age, they reccomend a complete rebuild.  I really can't afford the 3k to have them do it.  I read another post and you gave the guy schematics on how to repair his.  can you provide me with links and other helpful info as well?  I ahve a manual, but it isn't the greatest.  I am a diesel mechanic not a motorcycle mechanics, but as sole earner in the home, I have to get this bike fixed soon.  I can't afford gas for the family car for much longer,Please help, we live in az and kids have to get to school as we have only 1 car and no bus transportation.. . [email protected]  thanks

I don't think it would be worth spending $3k to fix a '92 VT600c unless it was in perfect condition otherwise. My recommendation would be to either rebuild it yourself or look for a good used engine.

Since you are a diesel mech, it is probably a safe assumption that you are capable of reading & understanding a shop manual, you know the difference between a wrench and a hammer and you aren't afraid of getting your hands dirty, so if you have the time and a place to work you are probably one of the best candidates to successfully rebuild an engine.

On the other hand, if you can find one, a good used engine might cost less than the parts for the rebuild and would take a lot less time, so that's probably your best option at this time.

I would start by looking at eBay and Kijiji and visiting or calling any bike wreckers within a reasonable distance.

Over the years I have learned a lot from online usergroups (forums) that cater to the specific bikes I have. You might find this one useful
I am not a member there so I can't say what they are like on a day to day basis, but there is a lot of info there and they seem willing to share it. While I was looking around to see if I could recommend them to you I found information about something I want to do on one of my bikes, too. And I don't have a Shadow.
Someone there can probably tell you which shop manual is best and maybe even where to download it for free.

As for the (expletive deleted) who messed up your engine: Does he work for a shop or is he just a "shade tree" guy? If he works for a shop you could try pressuring them to at least give you a hefty discount on the parts. Pics of the damage would be heplful when you go to see them. If he is independent the best thing you can do is take him to small claims court - if someone from the shop that wants to rebuild it is willing to stand up for you and you win you might be able to get enough to have them rebuild it. But I wouldn't count on it and that would take time you probably don't have.

Not to be vindictive, but you should tell everyone you see on a bike not to deal with him. Consider it your contribution to "consumer protection" - you might prevent him from doing the same to someone else.