Motorcycle Repair: 1988 harley starter problems, starter solenoid, starter problems

QUESTION: 1988 harley,  now my buddy replaced the sileniod while it was still hooked up to the battery (sparks all kinds). Now with the new silenoid on, everytime time he tries to hook the wires on the battery (just by touching the battery terminals) the silenoid engages and does stop until you disconnect the wires from the battery.  Any ideas? and my buddy thinks I did something to it, so please help me put my *$#!head in his place.

ANSWER: There are two possible reasons. One, the solenoid is connected wrong. One post is only for power from the battery and the other is going to the starter.
The other reason is the new solenoid got shorted and is stuck
Good luck and happy riding

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your fast response but...I know for a fact the solenoid is not hooked up wrong and there was no power when my buddy put the new solenoid on (only when he took off the old one) so how would the new solenoid get shorted ?

The only other thing it can be is the starter button is stuck or the starter relay is stuck in the open position. Disconnect the wire from the starter relay to the starter solenoid. hook the battery up and see if the post to the stater solenoid is hot. If it is then disconnect the wire from the starter button and see if its hot
Good luck and happy riding