Motorcycle Repair: cultch cable repair, clutch cable, clutch lever
QuestionHow do I replace the clutch cable on my I think 1980 XLH I say I think as the ID number starts with 3A and end with J0 so from what I find on the internet that tells me XLH 1980.This Bike was given to me and need alott of repair and I am waiting for the title so I don't have much to go on
AnswerIn order the repalce the cable you have to remove the primary cover. You have to adjust the cable so it is the shortest and remove the cable from the clutch lever. Adjust the chain adjuster so its at its lowest point and remove the cover. You will see where the cable attaches to the clutch ramp. replace the clutch cable and reinstall. Push the cable towards the back of the bike and adjust the clutch. then adjust the cable. Adjust the chain adjuster.Add oil tot he primary and your set
Good luck and happy riding