QuestionQUESTION: Hi, I've read the recent answer to the backfiring question and my harley model is a 2001 fxs series and is doing the same thing. I also havent been using it much just regular warming up for 15 min, 2-3 times a week, but recently its backfiring through exhaust. what would the ohm is for my bike? and if its not what its suppose to be what should I do?
ANSWER: Is your bike fuel injected?
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QUESTION: hi,I dont think its fuel injected because it has a carbureter is that right? and I still cant find the air/fuel mixture screw, you said its located at the underside of carb with a plug covering it? can you help me more on this? I found where the intermediate jet and float is. thanks to you. help please I want to ride my harley again.. maybe you could email me a pic of where the mixture screw is located. sorry to bother you but thank again!
ANSWER: SInce you have a carb, then its not fuel injected. Remove the carb and turn it over. Looking at the underside of the carb at teh back, behind the flaot bowl, you will see a round piece sticking up. Under the plug is the air/fuel mixture screw. The plug has to be removed. I would suggest that you install a Dyna-jet kit in your carb. It will give you more throttle responce and clear up your problem of backfiring
Good luck and happy riding
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QUESTION: Ta!! I'll try to fix it on the weekend. What's a dyna-jet kit? I've got a big air filter thing, which has a lid that open and closes with the throttle, sticking out of the carb is that it? and what would the OHM reading for my bike be?
AnswerYou want to know the OHM reading for your bike. For what part? OHMs is a measure of resistance in electrical parts, so I need to know the part.
A Dyna jet kit is a kit that changes jets in the carb as well as the pumper and slide spring. It will also show you how to remove the plug and adjust the air/fuel mixture
The lid you are refering to sounds like a air filter cover so that would have to be removed to get to the carb
Good luck and happy riding