QuestionQUESTION: Hi. The other day, after no changes or adjustments of any kind, as I was
riding approx 35 mph my chopper started to sputter and backfire out the
pipes, not the carb. If I pull in the clutch it idles fine but as soon as I let the
clutch out while riding it continues to sputter and backfire and will stall if I
don't pull in the clutch quickly. I've sprayed carb cleaner all around the
intake while the bike was idling to see if the rpm's increase but there was no
change. Today, after starting the bike I found that anytime the rpm's
increase, even while in neutral, the bike has the same problem. Please help.
ANSWER: Pull your spark plugs and let me know what color they are
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I pulled them and they looked pretty good actually. It appeared to be running
a little rich if anything but not enough to re-jet. Basically there was a
moderate amount of blackness while the ceramic part was a mix of an ideal
tan and a little black on one side only. I had my mechanic check them out
and he concurred. I did replace them anyway just because they were a year
old and i figured I might as well.
ANSWER: The reason I asked about the plugs is when you pop out the exhaust it is a sign of to much gas or not enough spark. I would do a OHMs test on the coil and plug wires to make sure they are good
Good luck and happy riding
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I don't know exactly how to do an ohms test on the coil. I gather I simply
touch one end to the ground and the other to the terminal(s) where the plug
wires attach but I'm not sure this is right. Also, should the coil be
disconnected from the battery? What should be connected and what
shouldn't be connected? Please be very specific in your description because I
am a novice and haven't been able to find the proper procedure on the
internet. Thank you.
AnswerRemove the coil. There are two posts on the coil where the wires go. With a OHM meter test from post to post. Then test from spark plugin to plug in. Do the same for the spark plug wires. From one end of the plug wire to the other. I need to year of bike to tell you what the OHMs should be