Motorcycle Repair: 1983 Honda Shadow VT500C Carb Rebuild, honda vt500c, bikebandit com
QuestionI need to rebuild the carburetors on my 1983 Honda VT500C and have been trying to find a rebuild kit everywhere, without any luck. Do you know if the carbs from this bike fit any other bike like a HD or a Suzuki that I may find a rebuild kit for that will work with mine? I could get parts from but I don't have that kind of money. just to get parts from them would cost more than the bike. Thank you for your time - Brad
AnswerSorry Brad but those are specific to that bike. What parts are you needing? I've had some luck getting things like needles and seats and gaskets from Honda or Cycle Recycle part 2 in Indy. You might want to give them a call and see if Rob can help you. If you just need specific parts, you'll probably have more luck than trying to find a kit.
Good Luck