Motorcycle Repair: removing magneto, tooth points, compression stroke

QUESTION: 69 sportster, Magneto, Compression stroke rear piston at top. Points have already opened. Mag is almost touching the jug. Seems to be off a tooth. Points & plate are off lock nuts under mag off. Mag or shaft won't lift to turn a notch. What is keeping it in the case??????

ANSWER: You need to time it to TDC on the flywheel mark. Are you doing that?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: At TDC set points at .015, plugs .023, retarded as far as it will go. Cur-chunk is all I can get. At 56 this kick start is hell. Seems as the points are opening just to soon. New poinnts, plugs, & coil - Morris Magneto (spring to advance) was installed some time back. Always hardstart!

Your gap for the spark plugs should be .020 with a mag. To remove the mag it should, after you remove the bolts, pull up. You might have to pry a little with a screwdriver since the shaft might be tight. If you are getting the mag set right at retard then you cant be off a tooth. Also, the only way you can be off a tooth is if the mag has been removed
Good luck and happy riding