Motorcycle Repair: no spark, volt ohm meter, motorcycle shop
Questioni have a mid 70s honda 750 and after winter storage I have no spark, how and where do I begin. I checked for spark at the plugs-none, so how do I start checking the coil? if that doesn't do it then where do I go besides a motorcycle shop?
thank you
AnswerRick, take a volt ohm meter and check to see if you have power to the coils. The black and white wire should have 12 volts when the ignition and kill switch are on. Next try cleaning the points to make sure they don't have oil or carbon in them preventing the coils from grounding. Are the points actually opening and closing properly or are they frozen in the open position? Next turn the crank so one of the points are open and then check the hot side of the points to see if they have 12 volts. If all that checks out it could be the coils or the condenser. A motorcycle shop can test the coils for you so you don't buy one you don't need. Normally, only one coil will act up at a time so I'm guessing it's in the power to the coils or the grounding to the points.
Good luck