Motorcycle Repair: yamaha 920, gasoline smell, starter problem

I picked up a yamaha 920 besides the famous starter problem
it has one more i cant figure out. it sat for about 2 or 3 years i was told  so i gave it a new battery and tried to start it  it turns over just fine but wont start so i broke down the carb and cleaned it I put everything back together and it has the same problem how ever it will start  and run as long as i am spraying starter fluid in it.  It smells like I am flooding it some how there is a heavy gasoline smell in the air.. any ideas?

Sorry Robin, but my experience is limited to Hondas.  I think you are on the right track in that it's getting too much fuel.  You can confirm it by pulling a plug and seeing if its very wet. If it is you'll have to figure out why the carbs are letting more fuel than required into the engine.

Good Luck