QuestionQUESTION: Found your site AFTER I made my mistakes. Bike was not releasing clutch, so I adjusted (what I thought was the clutch adjustment)ie.. the clutch cable for more pull. The cable became very loose. Lever had no spring , stayed in one position. I now know the adustment (from one of your answers) is under the clutch cover plate. Question is what keeps the tension on the cable. Is there a spring on inside the cover plate. Pulled the cover plate off, saw a hole but no spring. Put it back together with no improvement. Thanks Ed
ANSWER: There is no spring for the cable. You have to, first make your adjutment ont he clutch itsself. Then you adjust the cable, by turning the adjuster to take the slack out of it
Good luck and happy riding
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Tried once to take it apart and had no change. Inside the cover plate, there are 3 ball bearings that rotate between 2 plates. The cable attacheds to that plate. When you reassemble should that plate be rotated all the way clockwise (toward the back of the bike)?. Is there anything I need to be careful about. One last question, how much gear oil should I have to use too refill?
AnswerThe cable should be counterclockwise. Put it back together and put the cover on with alot of slack inthe cable. Then use the cable to push the plate back, counterclockwise. Then adjust he clutch and then adjust the cable. Use 32 ozs for the primary
Good luck and happy riding