Motorcycle Repair: contershaft seal, outer rim, xr250r
Questionhow do i replace contershaft seal on my xr250r 86 model without splitting the bock
AnswerJohn, my experience is with pre 1982 Hondas. Generally speaking though, you may not be able to. If you get a new seal and it has a ridge in the outer rim of the seal, that ridge is a locater ring and you have to split the cases. If the rim is smooth, you may be able to pry the old seal out and install the new seal but chances are, it will peal the outer rubber off the seal as you try to install it. There's normally a lot of clamp pressure on those seals to ensure they don't pop out or leak. Honda recommends splitting the cases to replace these types of seals to make sure they are properly installed and preloaded when the cases are reassembled.
Good Luck
Sorry for the late response but I've been out of town on vacation.