Motorcycle Repair: 1981 200twinstar motorcycle, starter button, oil bath

My motorcycle has been sitting for a number of years and I want to get it running but the motor is locked up.What should I do?

Tammy, that's a's stuck because there's either rust in the cylinders or maybe gas has leaked down into the cylinders and the engine is hydraulically locked.  The best thing to do is take the plugs out and try turning it over by hand or just bumping the starter. Don't hold the starter button in or it will just burn up the starter.

If it's still stuck, squirt a little engine oil into the cylinders and let it set over night. Don't put too much in or you get an oil bath and you probably won't like it. After the oil has had a chance to soak into the rings and with the plugs still out, shift the transmission up into high gear and sit on the bike and rock it forward and backward and try to break the pistons free using the weight of the bike to spin the engine. Just keep rocking for a while with increasing force to see if you can break it loose.  If it's not stuck too badly, it will break free and you should be able to get it going again.  If it doesn't break loose, you're looking at a top end overhaul.  

Sorry for the late response, I've been out of town on vacation.  

Good Luck,