Motorcycle Repair: Proper spark plug selection, speed tranny, double platinum
QuestionI am looking to replace plugs in my mototr, and we all know how the whole cross-referencing thing works at the local shop... I want some real info from real pros! I currently own a 2001 Wild West Peacemaker with a 107" S&S and 6-speed tranny, and thunderheader 2 into 1. There are currently Autolite 4566 plugs in, but I want to upgrade to a platinum or double platinum. Are there recommended plugs for evry motor, or is it pretty general?
AnswerSpark plugs, like alot of other things, are personnal preference. Ask a 100 people which plug is the best and you will probably get 100 different answers. A spark plug is nothing more than a place for spark to jump across, so performance wise they all work the same. If it were me I would stick with what you are using, since the plugs you are referring to cost alot more
Good luck and happy riding