Motorcycle Repair: clutch master cyl., banjo bolt, cup seals
QuestionI have a 82 v45 magna 750, rebuilt clutch master and slave cyl.I pulled the banjo bolt out placed my finger over the hole and still no pressure.what am I doing wrong?
AnswerWell there could be a few things wrong. Should I assume you got all of the parts back in correctly including putting the cup seal in right? Did you put a little fluid on the master cylinder plunger and cup seals when you reassembled it to help seal things and prime the system? Did you clean the cylinder to make sure all of the crud was removed?
If so, the problem is probably just getting the initial air bled out of the master cylinder. There are two small holes in the bottom of the brake reservoir. It may take several pumps on the lever to start getting the air to start working it's way out. You'll see very small columns of bubbles coming out of one of those two holes in the bottom of the reservoir as you work the lever. Eventually, you'll get enough fluid in there to start to be able to build pressure and pump fluid down to the slave cylinder. I've found that if I use one of those mini-vac pumps on the brake bleed screw as I'm bleeding them, it goes a lot quicker.