QuestionQUESTION: Hi. I was on a bit of a road trip yesterday and stopped by the dealer where I bought my bike, about 100 miles away from my home because the clutch handle was kind of drifting back towards my hand while I was on the highway, seemingly from wind pressure alone. The service guy said it was something about the clutch preload and it was a maintenance issue not a warranty issue, and said he figured it was just going to fall apart on me at some point, but he didn't have time to look at it right then. Well, "some point" happened about fifty miles away while I was on my way home. There are no motorcycle repair shops in my area, and I don't want to have to wait for weeks to get it into the dealer's shop. Can I fix this myself? Is there something like a Haine's manual for Harleys available, or can you give sufficient step-by-step guidance over the net?
ANSWER: I am not sure what he ment by a clutch preload. As far as I know, there is no such thing. When you say it fell apart what do you mean? You dont have any clutch at all? When you pull the clutch lever you feel no pressure on the clutch?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Mike - thanks for the quick response. Yeah - when I pull the clutch lever it travels freely with no resistance whatsoever.
AnswerWhat you are going to have to do is pull the primary cover and inspect the clutch basket. Your clutch rod might have gone out, or the spring plate broke, or the clutch basket came loose. If you plan on doing it yourself, I would get a harley service manual
Good luck and happy riding