Questionhi while riding my aero i noticed the speedo jumping from 65 to55 then to 0 after i stopped to eat for about 45 minutes i left the speedo was working about ten minutes into my trip home the speedo did it again and quit it seems to quit after the bike gets good and warm think it might be the speed sensor noone has known about failure this soon please let me knw if you have any help thanks
since it is an intermittant problem
it might be hard to diagnose without
replacing parts.
The speed sensor can be checked for a
0-5 volt pulse when the sensor
shaft is turned. The wire connector
is in the headlight and
must be checked while connected.
It has black/yellow +
and green/black -
Since it works some of the time
it might appear normal when
Trying a new one might be the only
way to be sure.
Also check for any loose wire connectors
on the bike. Check for loose fuses.
If the sensor is ok, that only
leaves the speedo itself to be at fault.