Motorcycle Repair: sporster harley 1999, sporster harley, leakdown test

QUESTION: i have a 1999 harley is using oil not smoking or leaking. it has 25,000 miles on started using oil in 2007. i have been adding oil at least once a week when i ride which is 500 miles a week during the summer set all winter in my shed. i brought it out may 11 2008 and rode it down the road brought it back and checked the oil and it was over flowing? any suggestions?

ANSWER: You can burn oil without smoking if your rings are starting to go bad. You would either have to do a leakdown test, or pull the top end and inspect it.
If the bike set over the winter and you filled it before starting it, you might have had oil in the bottom end and it pumped the oil back into the oil tank over filling it.
Good luck and happy riding

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Someone Suggested That If The Petcock Goes Bad That Will Cause Fuel To Go Into The Oil Reservoir Is That True P.S. I Did Not Add Oil Before Riding. The Oil Level Was O.K. The Oil Does Smell Like Gas

Generally, if your petcock leaks through you dont get fuel in the oil, but it can happen. But, in order for it to happen the float in the carb would have to leak too!
I would go ahead and change the oil. Disconnect the fuel line to the carb, put the hose in a can and see if it leaks through overnight
Good luck and happy riding