Motorcycle Repair: 2005 Road King, clutch lever, clutch cable
QuestionQUESTION: I put a new clutch cable on my bike. Now when I put it in gear and let the clutch out the bike does not move. I have adjusted the cable to all possible positions and still nothing. I hope you can help me. Thanks.
ANSWER: Do you feel the clutch moving when you pull the clutch lever?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yes, It feels great!
AnswerIt sounds to me like the clutch is to tight. Make sure the finger for the rod on the right side of the trans is all the way back when you put it together. When adjusting it loosen the cable so you have alot of play in itbefor adjusting the clutch itself. When you adjust the clutch turn the screw inward, just until it touches then back out about 1/8 of a turn and then adjust he clutch lever
Good luck and happy riding