Motorcycle Repair: clutch, allen bolt, allen screw
Questionhow do i make the right clutch ajustment on a 2005 harley electra glide 1450
AnswerHi Richard,
With the derby cover removed, and the cable fully collapsed, loosen the 11/16" nut in the center of the clutch hub. and loosen the allen bolt in the center.
Then turn IN the allen screw, just until its snug. then back it out one half turn and tighten down the 11/16 nut to lock it down.
Then you'll need to take up the slack in the center of the cable JUST until the base of the clutch handle touches the perch, and about a half turn more. before you go and lock IT down, pull in the clutch a few times and as you release the handle pull out on the cable where it enters the perch... You should be able to pull the cable out of the perch about 3/16" when you have it to that point, then go ahead and lock down the cable adjustment in the center...
And your ready to ride!!
Hope this helps!!