QuestionI have a Honda Shadow VT 700 86 and i recently have refilled the clutch fluid, now i have the problem that there is no pressure on it and someone told me i needed to bleed it. I dont know how to do that and i can't drive it to a mechanic as i can't drive without clutch. How do i bleed the clutch? Do i need to take anything apart?
-Try to purge the air from the top down.
Pump the clutch lever and hold, then open the banjo/bolt
fitting on the line at the master (top) cylinder
slightly, just to let any trapped air out.
Always close the bleed screws or bolts
before you release the clutch lever.
Do this a few times if necessary and then try bleeding
the slave cylinder down on the engine end of the line.
It has a little bleed screw you turn to open.
-You will have to wrap something around
the banjo fitting to prevent getting fluid all over
everything. Remember to top up the fluid too so it
doesn't suck air back in.