Motorcycle Repair: Firing, honda gold wing, 5k ohms

I have a 1982 Honda Gold Wing 1100. The firing is really week, can feel it a little just can not see it. Is there a way to test the rectorfire or the CDI? Do you have any suggestion for this problem? The coil units have one blue, one yellow wire and a blk loop, both wires seem to have steady juice, Please help?


the 82 models have a separate ignition
system for plugs 1-2 and for plugs 3-4.
If you have two spark units this is the system
you have.
Do you have any visible spark on any of the plugs?

The spark units are triggered by the pulse generators,
one for 1-2 and another for plugs 3-4.
It seems unlikely that all the pulsers and
both spark units quit at once.

It is more likely a loose connector
on the connectors just left of the battery.
Also you need a fully charged battery with
clean, tight cables.

The connectors with the white/yellow and blue/white&blue
wires go to the pulse coils, they should
have about 530 ohms on each set of wire colors.

You might want to check the spark plug caps
as these fail on older bikes. Should
be around 5000 or 5k ohms.

If you have power to the ignition coils that
is good. From there it is up to the
pulse coils to trigger the spark units
which fire the ignition coils.

If you get a shop manual they have a detailed
testing procedure too long for me to list here.