Questionhey man, first of all , i appreciate any help. I have an 01 sv650 suzuki. went to crank it upthis morning and the starter just keep going and woul dnot shut off no matter what i did, i turned the key off, kill switch and it kept going and finally quit. I went to turn it on again and no lights at all, like hte battery was dead. So i charged the battery for a while while i checkd all the switches by the service manual. the on/off kill switch was good, the onl problem i found in the ignition switch was high resistance on one of the wire checks, about 98 ohms. After checking all the switches, i thought i had a bad inition switche. Then, i hooked the positive and then the negative terminal back up and the starter will start spinning. I then unplugged everything including the kill switch, the ignition switch and everthing. I then put the battery terminal back on, and the starter still spun. I looked at the brushes in the starter and they could be replaced but werent sticking. Now, if i take the starter wire loose and leave it off, when i turn the ignition back on with he starter disconnected, all the lights work as normal. I'm assunming the bike kills power to everything else when it thinks the bike is starting. I have checked all the fuses including the big 30 amp and they are good. I think i either have a bad starter or a stucj solenoid, any thought? Thanks for our help. The weather is to beautiful not be out riding. Many thanks
jason gautney
this is likely your starter solenoid
or relay sticking. It could be the starter
button I suppose.
Pull the yellow/green or might be yellow/black
wire off the relay. Connect a test light to it
and see if it goes on and off
when you push the starter button
with the key on.
If it looks okay, then it is likely
your relay that is sticking on and sending
constant power to the starter.