Motorcycle Repair: 1980 kdx400 dirt bike, stroke oil, stroke engine

hi i was wondering if you could tell me if this bike is a 2 stroke?...what is the fuel ratio?..and also i have no spark at all...and a chunk out of my that the cause..? If i get a working stator will that make the bike run...?...please let me know asap.. thanks again


yes, your bike is a 2 stroke engine.
The fuel/oil premix ratio is about 4 ounces of
motorcycle two stroke oil to a gallon of gas.

The stator needs to be working to have spark
or ignition. The ignitor or ignition module
gets it's power from the stator.

These stators are very expensive to buy new.
The only solution is if you can find a used one or a parts bike
or find someone that knows how to rebuild

A new stator could cost $800.00 from
Kawasaki or other parts stores.
Ebay maybe? or write these guys:

The engine has to have compression as well.
And the ignitor or ignition module
must also work for the bike to run.
You could try the module on another
similar bike to check it.