QuestionEvery time I park my bike for a couple days it overflows the crank case with gas. I have vacuum activated fuel valve. I removed the fuel tank from the bike and watched it for 10 min. not one drip! It seems to be entering through the number one cylinder. When I take the plugs out and crank it over #1 gushes like old faithful. I removed my carbs the check needle and seats everything looks great. I would love to hear your thoughts on my little issue. Thanks Chris
if it is flooded with fuel it has
to be coming from the fuel tank.
Some possible problem areas are:
-fuel tank or fuel cap air vent plugged,
this causes pressure to build in the tank
and push the fuel out to the carbs.
-bad float, try swapping them to test.
-bad float needle valves or the o-rings
that seal them. These can leak if damaged.
-plugged carb vent causing fuel to
run over into carb venturi.
-intermittant faulty fuel petcock.
-float level or fuel height wrong.