QuestionI have a 1999 suzuki RM 125 i just bought it but the old owner says it has been sitting for two years now when I start it up it wont ideal but it does kick over just fine.But i dont think there is much resistace. And if you get it the powerband it bogs down i have cleaned the carborater and the air filter i just ordered a new top end will that help i really don't know what else could be wrong help me!!!!!!
it may be needing some top end work.
After sitting so long, it is good to
double check that carb jets are clear
and also all carb passagways or circuits.
It could be the piston rings are carboned
or rusted up preventing proper compression.
I think if you carefully check the engine
out and make sure the cylinder and piston/rings
are in good shape it will help immensely.
Clean any carbon deposits as best you can.
You could have a compression check done
or a cylinder leak down test. It should have
a low of 100 psi, higher compression is better.
Info on these can be found by a
search on google.
Make sure your air filter is not
plugged, check that the exhaust
valve and pipe is okay. Use a new
spark plug. Check for a good flow
of fuel from the fuel tank to the carb.
Does it have a fuel filter?