Motorcycle Repair: after market sissy bar for 93 sportster 883, sportster 883, sissy bars

Mike I bought an after market sissy bar for my 93 sportster 883 the holes all seem to line up but, it looks like the back blinker wires are going to have to go through one of the holes because they don't line up with the cutout on the bracket. In addition the blinkers bolt to the fender and I don't think the blinker posts will fit through the holes that line up to them on the brackets. Thank you, Leo

Most of the aftermarket sissy bars have a cutout so the bracket will fit without removing the blinkers, unless the blinkers have been relocated to the rear of the strut. If they have then you might have to drill for the wire, depending on the sissy bar kit you got. You might also have to get a longer bolt for the blinker
Good luck and happy riding