Motorcycle Repair: 1986 Honda VT500C Carb/Exhaust issues, honda vt500c, air fuel mixture

I have an 86 VT500C that I changed the exhaust on.  I took the stock mufflers
out at the clamp and put straight pipes on instead.  Since then I have had a bit
of lag when I punch the throttle.  The stock jets in the carb are 112 and 120.  
What should I do to correct this?


Since straight pipes mainly affect
high speed running I suggest trying
a #118 jet in the front carb and
#125 jet in the rear carb. This will richen
the air/fuel mixture at higher speeds.

The 1/4 to half throttle or so mixture
is affected by the slide needle position.
Some needles can be raised with a very thin
washer to richen this setting.
If the idle/pilot screws are not blocked
you can also try turning those out a bit.

After changing jets a "plug chop"
should be done to check the fuel mixture.

This is done with clean or new spark plugs.
Warm up the engine, do a high throttle run
in a safe place, keep the throttle above
3/4 throttle. Pull in the clutch and kill
the engine quickly. Check the spark plug
color to determine if the mixture is correct.
Change the jets or carb settings as required.