Motorcycle Repair: gas starvation, gas tank, pressure test

Recently had a factory rebuilt engine installed in my 1997 Electra Glide Ultra Classic - Fuel Injection, and we took it out yesterday (temperature 9Celsius) stalled at lights, started after 5th try, kept going and then start spluttering on highway, stalling and jump starting by inself.  Cleared up after a few jolts and then repeated the same thing in about 40 kms. and then again after another 50 kms for a few more times.  I was at half a tank so topped up and put in some stabilizer and then seemed to do the trick.  Then tonight took it out, and after about 40 kms the same thing, this time happened 3x within 10 blocks.  Anyone experienced this before?   I have to take it in for the 1600 kms oil change in about 1 month, but would like to sort this out before then.   Some suggestions have been that it is a fuel injection problem, or fuel filter problem in the gas tank. or - because we recently changed the battery, that the idle setting may be off.

I would first drain the fuel in the bike and put in fresh and go for a ride. If you are still having hte problem, then check the filter in the tank. If it is ok, then you would have to have a pressure test done on the fuel system.
Changing the battery would not have anything to do with the idle
Good luck and happy riding