Motorcycle Repair: oil, head gasket, old timers

hey Mike,I have 1998 herritage and this past summer switched from reg oil to synthetic and ran fine but the first time ran long and hard noticed a leak of oil all down the right side of bike at the time it was hard to pin point but i think (and I could be wrong and probbely are) it is not the head gasket but the next one down a few of the old timers i ride with said it could be comeing out of carb also somesay synthetic does that to gaskets when you switch not sure any suggestions?

The gasket below the head gasket is the base gasket, so that might be it. I think your leak doesnt have anything to do whith the oil change, it is somthing that just started close to the same time. what youa re going to have to do if find the leak, however, so you can repair it. One of the best ways I have found to find a leak it to spray the motor with deoderant that has baby powder in it. Start the bike and where you have a leak the powder will turn black
Good luck and happy riding