Motorcycle Repair: 86 vfr 700f probs, clutch system, bleeding brakes
I just bought an 86 vfr700f and have a couple questions for you.
1st: When i bought the bike i was told that it needed to have the carbs rebuilt/cleaned. I am still assuming this will fix my problem. The bike only starts when cold or warm with a full choke. After letting the bike warm up still can not release the choke without the bike stalling out. While choked and running can rev the bike a bit but if throttle is released to quickly the bike will stall. With either the choke or the throttle being increased there is a delay in time from choking or reving before the gas actually gets to the engine.(i assume this becuase it takes a second or so for the bike to rev up) 2nd part of this question; With the choke in and not reving the engine if i take the sit on bike and pull it vertical(off the kickstand) the engine slows and/or dies. I dont know if this has to do with the carbs being plugged or something else. Any input would be much appreciated.
2nd: Clutch Problem. With the clutch pulled in, if i shift to first the bike still lurches forward. Since I have never had a bike with a hydralic clutch before i dont know if there is simply something not connected or if this could be a faulty clutch.
Again thanks for any input on this.
AnswerYES the carbs need cleaned.Hydrolic clutches work fine when they need to bleed the air from the clutch system.This is the same as bleeding brakes on a car.Consult your service manual for proper procedure. Check this link it will help. Jerry