Motorcycle Repair: Kawasaki Prairie 360 4X4 2003, kawasaki prairie, speed jet

I had the unit in storage for 2 years.  Won't start so I checked the carb and it was gummed up.  I thoroughly cleaned and put in a rebuild kit.  I emptied and cleaned the gas tank.  I got it started but will only run fully choked.  I rechecked the carb and it seems to be completely free of particles.  Any ideas or do I need a new carb?

Not to be a wise gay but back to carb cleaning.The reason that it will not run is the low speed jet is plugged! Remove the jet it should unscrew with a screwdriver.Get your wire brush and pull some wires out. Use this to clean the jet out.A can of good carb cleaner with the little plastic wand installed and clean it out with this really good.Look in the back of the carb and you will see some small holes,look good their their. The one by itself is the idel circuit the other three are transfer circuit.Stick the wound in the hole you just took the jet out of and spray until you get a GOOD flow of carb cleaner out of ALL the holes. Reassemble and it will work.

Ride Safe  Jerry