Motorcycle Repair: CA 95 carburetor, honda benly, thread pitch

Bill.  I have a 1965 Ca95 and the main jet hole is stripped.  Am thinking of putting in a helicoil thread insert.  Any idea what size helicoil, tap, and drill bit to use?  Thanks, Doug

Doug, I am not clear as to whether your main jet holder is stripped on the inside, holding the jet or the carb body is stripped where the main jet holder threads in. This isn't a common repair and it may cost more to buy the repair kit than to just replace the part.

I don't have any references to those fitting sizes at hand, but if you take the main jet holder or carb body to a machine shop they can check the actual thread pitch for you. A lot of early Hondas had JIS threads, before the inclusion of ISO standards, so some of those parts are not available outside of Honda parts supply sources.

I imagine that CA95 carbs and good used parts can be sourced on Ebay and through clubs specializing in Benly models. There were both round bowl and square bowl versions, I believe, so make sure that you get a match for what you have now. See also sites like,, and (with online parts illustrations) for the possibilities of new replacement parts.

Quick search on Ebay:

Bill Silver