Motorcycle Repair: 2001 Raptor660R, wire cutters, pickup coil
QuestionWondering if you know anything on a Raptor? Well to start off, it just wont start, but was running perfect last week, then i let it set for a few days and now it wont start, no fire but its turning over... Now ive checked the CDI, coil, wiring harness and Magneto/stator... i was wondering if it was either the regulator or the small pickup coil donw by the magento/stator??? sorta stuck outa options and dont wanna waste money on buy parts ill think will help??? so if yeha know anything give me a hand.. thanks
AnswerThis can be a complicated fix. But you can check this and see if it helps.I want you to check your plug wires,on the end is a Bakelite cap with a rubber boot on it at the WIRE end.Gently work the boot back and unscrew the Bakelite cap (counter clock wise)yes it will unscrew.Now check the wire at that end.If it is burned back into the insolation take some wire cutters and clip the insolation back until you have wire showing flush with the end of the insolation. Not to much 1/8 inch or so
Now replace the cap and give it a try.
Hope this helps Jerry