Motorcycle Repair: 1983 honda saber v45 starter, engine cranks, starter solenoid
QuestionWhen i hook up the battery the starter comes on and will not go off. How can i fix this.
AnswerOK here we go.Two reasons that this will happen.
1. On this old of a bike the starter button on the handle bars is bad,making contact all the time.
2. The starter solenoid is bad making contact all the time.
We will test the starter solenoid first as it is the easiest to test.
Remove both side covers on your bike and look for the round metal abject. It will have two big black wires running to it one from the battery,the other one to the starter motor. Now you will also see one or two smaller wires running from the solenoid.Follow this wire (the small ones) to the connectors and unplug them. Now connect your battery as usual.If the engine cranks replace the solenoid.If the engine does not crank plug the small wires back in.If the engine cranks when you plug the wires in replace the start button on the handle bars.