Motorcycle Repair: 2005 / 1200 custom - clutch problem, harleys, traffic lights
Question2 days ago i started having an issue getting my bike to go into neutral. while sitting still i tried to put it in neutral and it was really hard to do. it was so hard to do that it skipped past neutral and went right into second gear i was finnaly able to get it into neutral. while i am riding it shifts in all the gears just fine and even at traffic lights it went into neutral with no problem most of the time. there was still a few times though that it would not go into neutral without a fight. do you think that i might just have to readjust my clutch?
AnswerAdjusting the clutch wont help. Harleys have been known to be tough to find netural. On the shifter cam there is a very small space to go to netural. Since you have a 05 there is a little wear in the cam, making it tough. I have a 98 dresser and it is really tough to find netural.
Good luck and happy riding