Motorcycle Repair: wheel spokes, wheel spokes, dial indicator
Questionmaybe not harley specific but i have an 01 wide glide that began vibrating at hi speeds and i found the rear spokes were loose! quite a few. what is the best way to tighten them( i ordered tool)can i jack it up and tighten ten at a time opposite or do i have to remove tire or do i need to take it in? (last resort i like doing my own work) thanks
AnswerYou have to remove the tire in order the tighten the spokes. Not only do you do side to side, but also front to back. You just cant tighten the spokes. They wheel needs to be put in a wheel stand and tightened as it is checked with a dial indicator. You are only allowed .030 out or the wheel will wobble.
Good luck and happy riding