Questionmy buddy has a problem starting up his new ninja. he got it last week. at the lady's place, it started fine. now it doesn't start. it'll turn over but started after about five minutes of tryin. he ordered a new choke cable and now it won't start at all. i told him to take a look at the plugs and see how it looks, to see if it's flooded. i was wondering whats your take on this?
check for spark by sticking a new plug in
the plug wires. If the plugs are black or wet
it is flooded or too rich on fuel.
-if it has spark, try some wd40 or carb cleaner
in the carb mouth, see if it fires on it.
No spark, check the side stand switch and kill switch.
Check the fuses.
-was the choke cable adjusted so the choke
opens/closes properly?
-is the fuel system clean, tank, gas valve,
gas filter, carbs?
-make sure the battery is charged fully,
they like lots of battery for spark.
-it may just need new spark plugs if they are fouled.
-last resort, check the compression, see if the cylinders
are near the same.