Questionhi for some reason i can not get the carbs off to clean them any suggestions? and also what is the best solution to clean them with?
-if you have the clamps loose, it is probably
just the rubber being stiff and dry
that holds the carbs on.
-They come off together I believe,
try warming them with a hair drier
or work something slippery into the rubber.
Armour-All is good for this.
-lift the carbs up at the back to pull them out
of the rubber mounts.
-for cleaning use carb cleaner spray or soak
them in yamaha carb dip or gunk after removing
all rubber parts. If you use the spray,
just check that the jets are truly open
by passing something smaller gently through the
a general carb clean guide is here:
It is for Suzuki but still a good guide for any
carb cleaning job.