Motorcycle Repair: Harley carb., harley davidson sporster, air fuel mixture

Mike,I have a 1994 Harley Davidson sporster 883 with 24,000 miles on it,it was converted up to a 1200 about a year ago.
I noticed that the carb.was leaking fuel,so i ordered the James rebuilding kit #401-016 from the J&P cycles catalog.
ok,took the carb off the bike and started to tear it apart and found that there was no o-ring on the air/fuel mixture screw.
Checked the rebuilding kit and found there was no o-ring that fit right on the screw and fit down the tube. I put all the parts back the way they came off and took a better look at the bottom of carb after it was put back on and it appears its leaking from somewhere around the acl.pump.
HELP, do u think I'll have to buy a new carb.  

There should be an o-ring for the air/fuel misture screw or it will leak air. the o-ring is usually in the bottom of the hole and tough to get out.
If you have a lean, then you need to take it back apart and locate the leak. Your rubber gasket is probably pinched.
Good luck and happy riding