Motorcycle Repair: 2003 polaris Trail Boss 330, polaris trail boss, jumper cable

QUESTION: Recently bought a 2003 polaris trail boss and put in a new battery and rebuilt the fuel pump and put in a new spark plug but it still won't start with the electric start or the recoil pull start.  Was starting when you spray starting fluid in it but won't stay running?

ANSWER: Hi Christy,
   My best guess from here is that you aren't getting fuel initially to the carbs. I would say more than likely your carbs need a good cleaning. Im sure if the machine sat for any good length of time (3 weeks or more) the pilot jets are plugged up. The hole in the jet is usually located inside a very small tube inside the float bowl. Use a super small GOOD flat blade screwdriver to remove it. What you can use is 1 strand of a wire brush (parts cleaning brush) to push through the crap stuck inside. Make sure you can see light clearly through it, put it back together, and Viola, it outta run like a top. Of course given you have spark...

Hope this helps!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your help.  We got the pull start to crank it after working on the carb.  But the electric start is still not working?  When you push the button it just makes a clicking sound could it be the starter?  Remember it has a new battery.

There are 2 ways you can check to see which part has the issue. Find the solenoid (the part that clicks when you push the button)and cross the 2 terminals where the battery wires connect with a pliers or screw driver. If the starter turns over, the soleniod is the faulty part. if not, carefully use a jumper cable to go from the positive side of the battery and JUST TOUCH it to the post on the starter itself. The post the battery cable goes to)

This should help, but its probably the solenoid is my guess.
