Motorcycle Repair: saltwater damage to a 2003 vrod, wheel bearing, vrod

Hi Mike

I just purchased a 2003 vrod that was the victim a flood that had pretty much been underwater up to the handle bars. It appears it was saltwater as well. Any adice on where to start and what to look for electrically and mechanically? I appreciate any help/info you may be able to provide to me.

                                       Mark Anderson

Water, espically salt water, it very hard on bearings. Alot is going to depend on how long it was under water, but it takes a short time to mess up the bearings. If it were me, I would probably tear the motor as well as the trans down and see what damage there is. You would also need to check all the bearings, like the swinging arm and wheel bearing for damage. Your connections for the electical system might be ok, unless under water for a long time, so you would have to check them.
Good luck and happy riding