Motorcycle Repair: Adjusting front signals on 06 Heritage, turn signals, happy new year

QUESTION: I received some deflectors for Christmas, but to install them I have to tilt the front signals forward about 1/4 inch to clear them. I am not sure how to loosen these off to make then clear the deflectors. Your guidance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

ANSWER: Which Heritage do you have?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The bike is a 2006 Heritage classic

If the signals are just int he way to install, then you can remove the side bolts for the bracket and move it out of the way until you get them installed.
If they are in the way after installation, then you will have to remove the spotlights from the top, which hold the turn signals onto the bottom of the bracket.
the deflectors should fit without haveing to adjust the turn signals any.
Happy new year